November 24, 2020
Health Department Urges COVID-19 Positives, Exposures & Positive Exposures with a Negative Test Result to Quarantine

As cases of COVID-19 continue to surge in Oneida County and across the state and nation, the Oneida County Health Department is asking that any community members who have tested positive for COVID-19, or been exposed to a positive case, stay home and isolate.
“Our Health Department is working diligently seven days a week to reach all positive COVID-19 cases, but with the high caseload volume that is continually coming in, this is taking some time,” said Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. “Please be patient. If you are positive for COVID-19, isolate from everyone, monitor your symptoms and advise all contacts that they have been exposed and need to quarantine.”
Those who have been exposed to COVID-19, including all household members of a positive case, need to quarantine for 14 days from the last date of exposure. Individuals who have been exposed to a positive case and have tested negative, must quarantine for the full 14 days. This virus can present itself at any time within those 14 days.
If you do not feel well, please contact your health care provider. Testing is available in Oneida County to everyone. Some testing is free. For testing options, please visit
“As the holiday approaches, we understand feeling the need for normalcy and the desire to gather with friends and family,” said Oneida County Health Director Phyllis D. Ellis, BSN, MS, FACHE. “However, COVID-19 is present in our community and continuing to spread. We strongly advise everyone to take precautions.
“Please remember, that COVID-19 is infectious before you know you are sick. It can spread easily in groups. Please continue to do what we know helps prevent it from spreading: Wash your hands often, avoid close contact, cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around others, cover coughs and sneezes, clean and disinfect and monitor your health daily.”