December 4, 2020
Oneida County COVID-19 Update for December 4, 2020

“Today, is clearly another alarming day. I want to be clear, your County government continues to do everything it can to mitigate the spread of this virus. At this time the most important action people can take is stay home unless it’s absolutely necessary, especially when they are sick.
It is imperative that everyone take every precaution to stay safe. Wear a mask, stay socially distant, stay home, wash your hands and avoid congregating with those not in your immediate household. Collective community action is the key to reversing these numbers.
I will have a briefing on Monday at 3:00pm to lay out next steps as we continue to use every tool at our disposal to fight this virus. “ – Anthony J. Picente Jr.
Here are the Oneida County COVID-19 case numbers as of midnight on Dec. 3.
- 273 new positive cases, 5,817 total* (Upon further investigation, 3 positive cases were removed from the previous total.)
- No nursing home residents.
- 2,297 active positive cases.
- 2 new COVID-19-related deaths, 156 total, both nursing home related.
- 81 patients are hospitalized in Oneida County.
- 65 at MVHS.
- 16 at Rome Memorial.
- 16 are nursing home residents.
- 5 patients are hospitalized out of county.
- 3,364 positive cases have been resolved.
- 302,618 total negative results.
- 308,162 total tests.
- 2,297 in mandatory isolation.
- 1,519 in mandatory quarantine.
Updated Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard: