December 5, 2020
Oneida County COVID-19 Update for December 5, 2020

Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. said: “We see these numbers continue to grow every day. People need to understand the seriousness of this situation. This community is being shut down, not by county or state or federal government, but because of the careless actions of some of its own people. Your county government continues to take action to mitigate this virus. We continue to contact trace, educate, provide PPE, increase available testing in the community, protect vulnerable populations and work with our hospital systems.
“Right now it’s not enough. We need every single resident to take every precaution that we know will work. Only together can we turn this tide. People are dying every day. People are getting sick and going to the hospital every day. Stay home when possible. Wear a mask. Practice good hygiene. Don’t congregate indoors with people outside of your immediate household. Be cautious. Be careful.”
Here are the Oneida County COVID-19 case numbers as of midnight on Dec. 4.
- 279 new positive cases, 6,090 total* (Upon further investigation, 6 positive cases were removed from the previous total.)
- 6 nursing home residents.
- 2,551 active positive cases.
- 2 new COVID-19-related deaths, 158 total.
- 88 patients are hospitalized in Oneida County.
- 70 at MVHS.
- 18 at Rome Memorial.
- 15 are nursing home residents.
- 4 patients are hospitalized out of county.
- 3,381 positive cases have been resolved.
- Total negative results were not updated by the NYS DOH as of 4 p.m..
- Total tests were not updated by the NYS DOH as of 4 p.m.
- 2,551 in mandatory isolation.
- 1,522 in mandatory quarantine.
Updated Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard: