June 10, 2020
Oneida County COVID-19 Update for June 10, 2020

Here are the Oneida County COVID-19 case numbers as of 12 p.m.:
- 17 new positive cases (9 nursing home residents), 1,183 total.
- 7* new COVID-related deaths, 71 total.
- 4 of today’s reported deaths occurred at nursing homes within the last two weeks and the Oneida County Health Department was just notified of their occurrence.
- Of the 3 current deaths being reported today, 2 were nursing home-related.
- 30 patients are hospitalized in Oneida County.
- 25* MVHS (Nursing home patients who are awaiting a negative test result before being released from MVHS hospitals are no longer being counted as a COVID-19 positive-hospitalized patient.)
- 5 Rome Memorial
- 3 are admitted outside of Oneida County.
- 21 hospitalized patients are from nursing homes.
- 18 MVHS
- 3 Rome Memorial
- 353 active positive cases
- 759 positive cases have been resolved.
- 27,791 total tests have been conducted.
- 26,608 total negative results.
- 443 under mandatory quarantine
- 331 under precautionary quarantine
- 11,684 total have been discharged from mandatory and precautionary quarantine.
Updated Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard: https://hoccpp.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/d88f4e10d59d4553b24c3add5abcbb0b
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