June 3, 2020
Oneida County COVID-19 Update for June 3, 2020

“I am deeply saddened to announce the loss of six more lives in Oneida County and our condolences go out to their family and friends,” said Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. “This is a stark reminder that we are far from escaping the deadly grip of this horrible pandemic. We must continue to remain on alert and follow the guidelines that help prevent the spread of this virus. As we move through a safe and controlled reopening of Oneida County, we cannot let our guard down for a second.”
Here are the Oneida County COVID-19 case numbers as of 12 p.m.:
- 15 new positive cases (4 are nursing home residents), 1,058 total
- 6 new positive fatalities (5 are nursing home –related), 55 total
- 50 patients are hospitalized in Oneida County
- 41 MVHS
- 9 Rome Memorial
- 3 are admitted outside of Oneida County
- 40 hospitalized patients are from nursing homes
- 32 MVHS
- 8 Rome Memorial
- 393 active positive cases
- 610 positive cases have been resolved
- 20,164 total tests have been conducted.
- 19,106 total negative results
- 792 under mandatory quarantine
- 604 under precautionary quarantine
- 10,782 total have been discharged from mandatory and precautionary quarantine
Updated Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard: https://hoccpp.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/d88f4e10d59d4553b24c3add5abcbb0b
Next live briefing scheduled for June 5, 2020 at 3 p.m.