March 13, 2021
Oneida County COVID-19 Update for March 13, 2021

County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. said, “Exactly one year ago today in Oneida County and across the globe, the world as we knew it changed. From parades and celebrations to closings and restrictions, our community, as all across the country, had to adjust to a virus that we knew little about at the time.
“What we did know was that it could be deadly and that there was no immediate fix. I recall thinking that we could lock some things down and in at least two months we would be back to normal, but that was not to be. The virus continued and began to affect many of our residents in the most severe way, and we knew then it was here for the long haul. We took the appropriate measures and kept everyone abreast of the issues on a daily basis.
“Today, everyone has heard the three basic safeguards, wear a mask, social distance and good hygiene. We have now added a fourth, the vaccine. It is important that all adults get the vaccine as soon as possible. I believe that at this point the vaccine should be open to all populations and will continue to stress that to our state and federal leaders.
"Oneida County has seen this virus affect nearly 20,000 of our residents and we have lost 400 lives from it. In addition, thousands were also placed in quarantine to prevent the spread and remain safe. Our thoughts and prayers go to all of the loved ones of lives lost and to all who had suffered the impact of this scourge.
“We do have a way to go to normalcy, but we will get there together. I am proud of everyone in our community and how we have responded in the most difficult of times. Never in my lifetime could I have imagined a virus like this that could cripple the entire world, and I know that all share in that thought. But we will get through this and be better for it. In the meantime, stay safe and practice what we know works and please get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible. Together we will get to the other side.”
Here are the Oneida County COVID-19 case numbers as of midnight on March 12.
- 35 new positive cases, 19,856* total. *(Upon further investigation, 1 positive case was removed from the previous total.)
- 1 is a nursing home resident.
- 432 active positive cases.
- 1 new COVID-19-related death, 401 total.
- 21 patients are hospitalized in Oneida County.
- 18 at MVHS.
- 3 at Rome Health.
- 4 are nursing home residents.
- 2 residents are hospitalized out of county.
- 19,022 positive cases have been resolved.
- 582,515 total negative results.
- 602,371 total tests.
- 432 in mandatory isolation.
- 778 in mandatory quarantine.
Updated Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard:
As of 2/8/21, vaccine numbers are released on Mondays and the totals are through the end of the previous week.