March 20, 2021
Oneida County COVID-19 Update for March 20, 2021

PLEASE NOTE: Vaccination appointments are still available for all NYS-eligible groups at the county-operated POD at the Turning Stone Event Center on March 22. Appointments can be secured at
Here are the Oneida County COVID-19 case numbers as of midnight on March 19:
- 33 new positive cases, 20,085* total. *(Upon further investigation, 1 positive case was removed from the previous total.)
- 1 is a nursing home resident.
- 459 active positive cases.
- No new COVID-19-related deaths, 403 total.
- 19 patients are hospitalized in Oneida County.
- 18 at MVHS.
- 1 at Rome Health.
- 3 are nursing home residents.
- 2 residents are hospitalized out of county.
- 19,223 positive cases have been resolved.
- 606,012 total negative results.
- 626,097 total tests.
- 459 in mandatory isolation.
- 630 in mandatory quarantine.
Updated Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard:
As of 2/8/21, vaccine numbers are released on Mondays and the totals are through the end of the previous week.
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