March 19, 2021
Oneida County Now Registering 50+ for Vaccine Waiting List

County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. announced today that Oneida County has begun registering residents 50 years and older to be placed on a waiting list to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at its county-operated PODs.
“As COVID-19 vaccine supply increases, we may have extra doses available at our Oneida County-operated PODs until current eligibility requirements expand,” Picente said. “To this end, we have created a waitlist for county residents 50 and older to sign up to be notified when that occurs. This government will continue to do all it can to get shots in arms until New York State sees fit expand vaccine eligibility to the entire adult population as it should.”
Anyone 50 years and older can add their name to the waiting list here. No other eligibility is required to receive an excess vaccine dose other than being 50 years or older.
Those who signup will receive an email, text message or phone call from Oneida County instructing them to apply for an appointment to receive a dose should it become available. Oneida County also periodically sends out text messages to residents alerting them of POD events, appointment availability and other important COVID-related information.
Currently, anyone 60 years of age or older is eligible for a vaccine in New York State. Younger people may be eligible if they have a pre-existing condition or belong to an eligible class of essential workers. The current state eligibility list can be reviewed here.
Oneida County currently has appointments available for all eligibility groups at the following county-operated PODs:
- Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica on March 20th.
- Griffiss International Airport in Rome on March 20th.
- Turning Stone Event Center in Verona on March 22nd.
Appointments for those events can be secured at