March 24, 2021
Oneida County Unveils ‘We’ve Been Vaccinated’ Decals; Expands Vaccine Waiting List

More Homebound Residents Set to Receive Shots
Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. announced today that the county will provide decals to businesses and residents to notify customers, family and friends that they have been vaccinated.
Picente also revealed that the county’s excess vaccine waiting list has been expanded to include those aged 18-49 and that more than 100 more homebound residents will be vaccinated this week.
“The key to pushing through to the other side of this pandemic is to vaccinate as many people as possible,” Picente said. “Whether it’s expanding the eligibility to more of our community, reaching more people who have limited access to dosages or reassuring customers, family and friends that our businesses and homes are safe and protected, we must move Oneida County forward.”
Picente unveiled the county’s new “We’ve Been Vaccinated” decals which encourage people to “Come On In” to local businesses and homes that have been fully vaccinated. The decals can be obtained from the county free of charge after a form is filled out affirming that the staff of a business or members of a household have achieved full vaccination. Monthly self-attestation must then be maintained with the county, which will establish an online list of participating businesses.
Applications for the decals can be submitted here. The decals are expected to become available in the coming weeks as vaccine eligibility continues to expand throughout New York State.
Picente also said that the county is now accepting registration from county residents aged 18-49 who want to be notified when excess vaccine doses are available at county-operated PODs. Those who apply will be put on a waiting list and contacted for an appointment regardless of state eligibility requirements. Registrants will be contacted by email, text or phone should the opportunity arise.
The waiting list can be accessed here.
Finally, the County Executive stated that more than 100 residents who are homebound due to a disability or mobility impairment are being vaccinated this week by the Oneida County Health Department. Last week, close to 400 home residents were vaccinated through a partnership with Upstate Family Health Center.
Those who would like to be considered for future homebound vaccination appointments should call 315-798-5439.