April 23, 2020
Overdose Response Team Updates Spike Alert

No New Fatalities Since April 11; Support Services Expanded
The Oneida County Overdose Response Team issued an overdose spike alert on April 12, 2020, notifying the public of five overdose fatalities that had taken place in the week prior.
Since that alert was issued, there have been 19 additional overdoses, with no additional overdose fatalities. The last overdose fatality took place on April 11.
The Overdose Response Team is encouraged that there have been no additional overdose fatalities since its last alert, however, it urges community partners, people with substance use disorder and their loved ones to be steadfast in their overdose prevention efforts especially because of the physical distancing required to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
“Many people are feeling alone right now, and we want them to know that is not the case,” said Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente. Jr. “Oneida County is here for you. Our team of community partners is ready to help. I am proud of the way our Opioid Task Force members have responded to the recent spike alert amidst this pandemic, and want to make sure our residents know how services and protocols are being expanded and amended to make sure they can access the treatment, recovery and harm reduction services they may need during these especially difficult times.”
Like so many communities across the country, Opioid Task Force is concerned that the extended isolation due to COVID-19 might exacerbate the problem for people with substance use disorder. The Task Force has intensified its efforts to ensure people can get the services they need while at the same time protecting them from COVID-19, which could be especially harmful to people with substance use disorder.
Below is a listing of some of the actions taken to address the overdose spike:
• Falcon Clinic for Health, Wellness, and Recovery is expanding capacity to accept patients for stabilization and maintenance treatment with buprenorphine to assist patients in managing their substance use disorder.
• White Deer Run Treatment Network has created a special response team to expedite the referral and admission process for individuals with certain insurances. Beds, transportation, and treatment teams are available and on standby.
• Rescue Mission’s Peer Recovery Advocates are reaching out to recent overdose victims identified by ODMAP via telephone to provide support and help link them to treatment.
• ACR Health’s Syringe Exchange Program is providing an array of in-person and mobile harm reduction services to reduce risk of overdose death and teach flexible options for cutting back.
• Center for Family Life & Recovery is providing several virtual recovery support meetings for families of and individuals with substance use disorder.
• Community Recovery Center is providing both mental health and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for substance use disorder via telehealth.
• Conifer has detox beds available and transportation.
• Helio Health, Insight House and CNY Services facilities are open and accepting new patients in all levels of care, with no wait list and offering take home doses of MAT.
• Beacon Center is accepting new patients, offering virtual counseling/group sessions, and take home MAT.
Multiple agencies are expanding efforts to ensure that Naloxone is provided to people at high risk of experiencing or witnessing overdose. They are dropping off or mailing kits to individuals in need and providing virtual Narcan trainings for individuals and/or groups.
A host of virtual recovery resources can be found at https://www.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/virtual-recovery-resources.pdf.
The community can go to the county’s website at oneidacountyny.gov/health to find the most updated information on local substance use treatment provider COVID-19 updates and a quick reference guide.