Oneida County Historical Society

Small Claims Assessment Review

Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR)

Assessment Review

SCAR provides an inexpensive way to seek further review of your assessment if you are dissatisfied with the decision of your local Board of Assessment Review.

You can challenge your property assessment in SCAR if you meet the following provisions:

  • You own and live in a one, two, or three-family home and use it exclusively for residential purposes. A seasonal residence can qualify provided that during the period it is used the owner occupies it. In addition, vacant lands can qualify if they are not of sufficient size, as determined by the local assessor, to support a one, two or three family structure.
  • You already filed a timely written review about your property assessment with the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) or other administrative review body of the assessing unit and are not requesting a reduction greater than the amount you sought before that board.

Other Pertinent Information

The filing fee is $30, payable to the "Oneida County Clerk". Applications must be made within 30 days of the last day allowed to file the final assessment roll for your local assessor.

Scar Petitions

Submit to the Following Offices

County Clerk’s Office:

  • The original petition with original signatures PLUS two copies – The County Clerk’s office will assign an index number to the petition and forward two copies to the Supreme Court
  • Five additional copies of the original petition with any exhibits for the petitioner to send to the parties below
  • $30.00 Application fee payable to the Oneida County Clerk
  • A self-addressed stamped envelope for index labels that will be needed for the remaining copies, which the petitioner will need to send to the following parties:
  1.  One copy with label to County Finance / Treasury Department
  2. One copy with label to the Town/Village Assessor’s Office
  3. One copy with label to the School District     
  4. One copy with label to Town Clerk      
  5. One copy retain for records
Oneida County Partners