To prepare for disaster, build an emergency kit using the following:
- Three days worth of non-perishable food e.g. canned meats, canned fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, granola bars and dry cereals.
- A three day supply of water for each person. (store in plastic containers)
- Flashlights
- Battery - powered radio
- Extra batteries
- Blanket
- First-aid kit
- Medicine
- Manual can opener
- Duct tape and pre-measured plastic sheeting (to seal a room for several hours during a chemical or biological attack)
- Gas tank filled to three-fourths at all times
- Maps in the car
- Tools and special items
- Emergency numbers
- Assign a meeting place in case your family gets separated
- Evaluate your family disaster plan at least once a year
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- Septic System Replacement Funds
- School Nurse Resources