Bill Payer
Designed to ensure that seniors are able to maintain their independence in the community by gaining control of their finances.

Caregiver Support & Respite
Our programs are able to relieve some of the stress and worry of caregiving. Now is the time for you to learn what to do and how to cope. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help.

Consumer Directed EISEP (Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly)
Consumer Directed EISEP is a demonstration program for consumers who need care or services to help them live at home. Consumer-directed Care (sometimes called Self-Directed Care) is a big part of this program.

Elder Abuse Services
The Oneida County Elder Abuse Coalition is a continually growing collection of area agencies and organizations that was formed to promote the awareness, recognition, intervention and prevention of elder abuse in our community.

Grandparents & Kinship Caregivers
Are you raising your grandchildren, nieces, nephews, siblings, or other relatives under the age of 18?

Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP)
HIICAP is the New York State Health Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program. HIICAP Counselors offer free information, confidential counseling and assistance to help solve medical coverage problems.

In Home Personal Care
This program provides housekeeping, personal care, ancillary and case management services to clients age 60 and over on a sliding fee scale.

Legal Services
The Legal Services Program provides legal outreach services for adults over the age of 60 who are financially unable to obtain legal services independently. Services include Health Care Proxy, Power of Attorney, Will, Collection and Landlord/Tenant issues.

LTCOP (Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program)
The LTC Ombudsman Program serves as an advocate and resource for persons who reside in long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes and assisted living centers.

Placement Assistance
A Patient Review Instrument (PRI) and SCREEN are required before any person can enter a skilled nursing facility. A PRI is used to determine the level of care a person requires. The SCREEN determines the type of facility that can best meet the individual's needs.

Senior Nutrition
Oneida County Senior Nutrition Program offers home delivered meals, congregate dining and nutrition counseling. Both Home Delivered Meal and Congregate Meal programs provide delicious, well balanced meals.

Social Adult Day Care
Social Adult Day Care (SADC) serves functionally impaired seniors by providing socialization, adequate nutrition and recreational activities in a supervised setting.

Volunteer Transportation
This program is available to clients of the Office for the Aging & Continuing Care who are over 60 years old and are not receiving Medicaid benefits.
Volunteer transportation drivers are scheduled by RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program).