Catholic Charities
Camp Nazareth: Camp Nazareth is a children’s overnight summer camp for youth ages 8-16 located in Oneida County. Camper’s experience daily activities while enjoying the best the Adirondacks has to offer. The Camp Nazareth program serves hundreds of children each summer promoting a healthy and safe environment while creating a model for skill building, independence, and responsibility.
CYO Basketball: Catholic Charities Oneida/Madison County offers CYO Basketball for kids, a youth basketball league in the Mohawk Valley. This program provides youth the opportunity to play basketball in a league that promotes a positive culture that is safe and where there is respect between all involved including players, coaches, fans, officials, and CYO Staff.
For more information contact – Dave George (315) 724-2158 x7015 or dgeorge@ccharityom.com

Center for Family Life & Recovery
Sexual Abuse Treatment Program: Clinical staffs provide Specialized Sexual Abuse Treatment to youth and family for those not eligible to participate through the Department of Social Services (DSS) or who cannot afford to pay for services.
Juvenile Perpetrators: This program provides individual, group, and family therapy for youth implicated as perpetrators of sexual abuse (or engaged in other types of sexual behavior problems) who are at risk for involvement or re-involvement with the juvenile justice system.
Compeer for Kids: This program offers recruitment and training of volunteers for mentoring friendships with youth (ages 5-18) receiving mental health treatment, have a parent/family member diagnosed with mental health services, and/or are receiving preventative services.
For more information contact - Cassandra Sheets (315) 733-1709 or csheets@cflrinc.org

Cornell Cooperation Extension
4-H Outreach: 4-H is an opportunity for youth ages 5-19 to learn and develop life skills that may assist them in becoming responsible adults. Projects are based on research and knowledge from Cornell University, and other land-grant universities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This youth development programming utilizes the Intergenerational Master Gardener Program, 4-H Government Interns Program, and 4-H Conservation Education Days to provide young people with role models and meaningful participation in community awareness and problem-solving opportunities.
For more information contact- Mary Beth McEwen (315) 736-3394 or mm822@cornell.edu

Dodge Pratt Art and Community Center
Tween and Teens Pick up Steam: This program will provide positive youth development by promoting a safe, healthy learning environment in which youth will learn skills, discover and develop their talents, and build positive relationships in our programs and the community, all while expressing and finding their own creativity through the arts.
For more information contact - Amy Simanowski (315) 942-5133 or dpnart@frontier.com

Johnson Park Center
JPC Youth Center: This program provides the young people of Cornhill with opportunities for enrichment, life skills development, and positive recreation - all in a safe, nurturing environment where they can bond with caring, adult role models. JPC also works as part of a larger system to keep the young people of Cornhill and neighbors safe.
For more information contact- Rev. Maria Scates (315) 734-9608 or revscates@johnsonparkcenter.org

Integrated Community Alternatives Network (ICAN)
Evelyn's House: Evelyn's House is our joint transitional and rapid rehousing program for homeless women, aged 16-24, who are pregnant and/or parenting. At Evelyn's House, we provide a safe, nurturing home with supportive services and community resources for these young women and their children during and after pregnancy, so they can become empowered during this transitional life moment.
Transitional Life Skills: TLS program provides independent living skill development to youth who are runaway, homeless, or at risk of homelessness with a focus on fostering independent living skills, continuing education, and/or finding employment. Participants are encouraged to be full partners in assessing their own strengths and addressing areas where growth is needed. Groups are held at Evelyn's House on a bi-weekly basis. In addition, the program can provide emergency assistance and case management services to youth who are runaway, homeless, or at risk of homelessness who do not meet the criteria for Evelyn's House-this includes youth ages 16-24 who are served through our Project HOME and Street Outreach programs.
For more information contact – Adrianna Judd, Housing Program Manager at (315) 927-5864 or ajudd@ican.family
Youth Sports and Education: The Youth Sports and Education program combines sports and physical activity along with mental health stigma reduction and awareness for the youth of Oneida County. This will be accomplished by working with two agencies currently in ICAN’s Independent Practice Association to conduct a mixture of groups, interactive awareness training, and sporting events across multiple sports. These experiences will be unique and innovative and the target population of the underserved community will allow youth that would normally not have access to these experiences to enjoy and learn from each event offered.
For more information contact – Isabelle Alexander-Klaboe at (315) 731-5638 or iaklaboe@ican.family

Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency
Runaway & Homeless Youth Program: The Runaway and Homeless Youth Program ensures the safety of youth, helps them to get off the streets, and to reunite youth with their families whenever possible. The program serves youth up to age 21 years and their families. Services are free and confidential. Staff will work with youth on a non-residential basis and if eligible for shelter services, youth can be placed while being assisted in the RHY Program
If youth need emergency help, with nowhere left to turn, youth can reach out to MVCAA’s 24/7 hotline for assistance immediately. Call or text (315) 525-7275. The youth must call to initiate services, as the program is voluntary.
For more information contact – Samantha Jones at (315) 624-2377 or sjones@mvcaa.com

Neighborhood Center
Outreach and Prevention: Outreach & Prevention (O & P) is a drop in social, recreational and educational activities drop-in program for youth up to age 18. This program also provides a teen night 1 night a week during the school year and based on need more frequently in the summer months. This program offers meaningful activities and lays the foundation for children to have a positive impact on the community by improving social skills and self-confidence, encouraging involvement with the community, developing trusting relationships with adults, teaching character building skills to minimize the impact of negative behaviors, and increasing parent participation in the lives of their children.
Project Aim: Project AIM provides adult - mentor led programming for youths between the ages of 13-18 in group sessions that facilitates personal growth with students. The program assists with developing real-life problem solving, forward thinking and life skills. AIM provides youth access to staff for homework assistance or will assist youth in linking them to free tutoring services in our community. We help youth explore ways of getting connected to their school environment through sports, clubs, ROTC and Young Scholars. Students leave the program with lifelong friendships, emotional intelligence and tools to manage adulthood.
For more information contact -Sandra Soroka (315) 272-2615 or sandys@neighborhoodctr.org

Oneida County Probation
Initial Response Team (IRS): The Oneida County Probation Department, Rome City School District and BOCES partner to reduce PINS petitions, based on evidence of early identification of problematic behaviors and family conferencing. The program also offers Mentoring and Crisis Management.
For more information contact - Holly Bolton, Director (315) 798-5914 or hbolton@oneidacountyny.gov

Oneida County Workforce Development
Green Corps: The Oneida County Green Corps is a job training program that will provide a pathway into "green" careers for Oneida County Youth with barriers to employment. The program will provide young adults with job training, support and hands-on work experience so they can independently pursue opportunities in the new "green" economy.
For more information contact- Dave Mathis (315) 798-5908 or dmathis@oneidacountyny.gov
Ready, Set, Work: The Ready, Set, Work program will provide youth with the opportunity to learn and demonstrate job readiness skills in a group setting. The skilled based training program aims to equip youth with the necessary tools to obtain and sustain quality employment leading to self-sufficiency.
For more information contact – Freddie Hamilton (917) 623-8830 or fhamiltonma@gmail.com

Empowered Pathways
Project STAMP: Project STAMP is a restorative intervention process that responds to repeated, chronic school truancy. The Project improves school attendance and academic performance by building communication between the student, the student’s family, and the school through attendance mediation and conflict interviewing. Class participation and accessibility concerns can also be addressed during this process. This process results in a school attendance agreement, signed by all parties, and officially bound by a school official. The student’s voice in the process is the most critical element of the process.
For more information contact – Stephanie Eghigian (315) 724-1375 or seghigian@empoweredpathwayscny.org

Thea Bowman House
Kids with Promise: Kids with Promise provides support to children as they enter the often-difficult teenage years. Children ages 10 and up are eligible. The program is free and includes tutoring, nourishing dinners, a space for recreation, field trips, and creative development. Our youth learn the value of community through different service projects and work to unlock their full potential.
For more information contact - Jane Domingue (315) 797-0748 or jane@theabowmanhouse.org

The Salvation Army (Rome)
Long Point Summer Camp (Rome): For many kids, summer camp is the first time they will see the world outside of their neighborhood. Each year, we enable hundreds of children from low-income families to enjoy fresh air, exercise and new friendships through our annual summer camp programs. This camping experience is more than just a week away from home. Here, children learn new skills and self-reliance. Trained counselors who understand their emotional needs and problems help them mature and grow. Camp activities include learning to swim, scouting, arts and crafts, music development and sports.
For more information contact – Major Darren Mudge (315) 336-4260 or Darren.Mudge@use.salvationarmy.org

The Salvation Army (Utica)
Get Yourself Motivated (GYM): This program is a Youth Drop-In Center designed to support low-income families by providing a safe environment for children between the ages of 5-13 in the Greater Utica Area. It is a safe haven for children that have little or no supervision when parents are at work and need positive structure and supervision.
Long Point Summer Camp (Utica): For many kids, summer camp is the first time they will see the world outside of their neighborhood. Each year, we enable hundreds of children from low-income families to enjoy fresh air, exercise and new friendships through our annual summer camp programs. This camping experience is more than just a week away from home. Here, children learn new skills and self-reliance. Trained counselors who understand their emotional needs and problems help them mature and grow. Camp activities include learning to swim, scouting, arts and crafts, music development and sports.
For more information contact – Captain Kelly Ross (315) 434-1310 or Kelly.Ross@use.salvationarmy.org

Upstate Cerebral Palsy (UCP)
School Break Day Camp: School Break Day Camp is for children residing in Oneida County. These Camps will provide weeklong recreational experiences at the Root Farm Facility in Sauquoit, NY that will include equine, agricultural and challenge course activities. This program benefits participants by increasing their independence, self-confidence and ability to work well within a group setting.
For more information contact – Rodger Pape (315) 520-7046 or Rodger.Pape@rootfarm.org

Safe Schools Mohawk Valley
Underground Teen Center: The Underground Teen Center aspires to transform the experiences and perceptions of teens in Utica by creating venues for leadership, civic engagement and creative expression. This program includes the following: After School Program, school breaks and summer programming, enrichment activities, recreation programming, leadership and resiliency skills and service-learning projects. The Center targets teens 13 and older enrolled in school.
For more information contact – Melanie Adams (315) 733-7768 x204 or madams@uticaschools.org

Adolescent Outreach: Sky’s the Limit is a new cornerstone of YWCA MV’s Community Education efforts. This full-day summit is dedicated to the empowerment of young girls by connecting them with inspiring local leaders in their own communities. AMEND Together is a primary prevention initiative dedicated to ending violence against women and girls by engaging men and boys to change the culture that supports violence. Implemented locally by YWCA Mohawk Valley, together, we seek to challenge the culture that supports violence, cultivate healthy masculinity in men and boys, and change the future for women and girls.
For more information contact - Dianne Stancato (315) 732-2159 dstancato@ywcamv.org

American Youth Soccer Organization – AYSO
Camden AYSO Region 918: The Camden American Youth Soccer Association (AYSO) is a local, non-profit organization. Its mission is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs to area youth ages 4 -19 which promote a fun, family environment based on AYSO’s philosophy that everyone plays on balanced teams with open registrations, positive coaching and good sportsmanship. Mystic Fields in Camden hosts kids and families seven days out the week offering skills camps, weekday team practices, and weekend games.
For more information contact – Randy Waterman (315) 246-7116 x7015 or ayso3e918@gmail.com

Griffiss Institute
Afternoon Knights: The Afternoon Knights program provides drone education and training toward the goal of fielding 1-4 drone soccer teams in Rome consisting of underserved elementary school students in the Rome school district (Bellamy and Gansevoort Elementary Schools). Key services include mentoring, drone education and training, hands-on learning, citizenship, public speaking, teamwork, and leadership. The program will develop the drone flying skills of the participants with an aim to compete in local drone soccer competitions.
For more information contact – Todd Humiston (315) 724-1375 or thumiston@griffissinstitute.org

Midtown Utica Community Center (MUCC)
MUCCamp: MUCCamp offers students the opportunity to experience the outdoors with activities such as hiking, canoeing, fishing, crafting, cooking, swimming, and arts and crafts. Students who spend a week away at summer camp develop new interests and friendships in addition to gaining confidence in their newfound skills. These experiences help them to develop endurance and personal strengths, qualities that serve them well in future endeavors. The camp is held at Camp Nazareth, NY in the Adirondacks. MUCC transports out campers from the City of Utica to the campsite for the week-long sleepaway camp.
MUCC Sports Program: Through the MUCC Sports Program, youth improve their physical
fitness and overall healthy well-being. Through sports, youths can socialize, develop friendships, and establish a strong sense of belonging. MUCC offers a diverse range of sports programs, including volleyball, soccer, and basketball. This program aims for area youth to develop essential life skills, such as teamwork, communication, and leadership with the addition of promoting healthy habits.
For more information contact – Kay Klo (315) 496-1791 or kay@midtownutica.org

Mohawk Valley Boxing Association
Veterans Boxing Association Youth Community Program (YCP): Veteran's Boxing Association (VBA)'s Youth Community Program (YCP) provides Oneida County youth the opportunity to achieve well-being across all life facets by providing skills to promote mental and physical health. YCP has a fitness center in Utica and YCP prioritizes rapid accessibility to quality services for youth. By connecting youth with trained mentors and partnering with a local mental health practice (DRN Counseling-Consulting Services), VBA's YCP is able to provide individualized care, coordination of resources, and access to an array of community services to youth and their families. YCP strives to become a drop-in center for youth where youth can be quickly connected with a host of supports.
For more information contact – Dominick Nicotera (315) 534-0440 or dnicotera@drncounseling.com

United Elite Krajisnik FC
Youth Outreach Soccer Program: The Youth Outreach Soccer Program offers camps and clinics to area youth to enhance and increase soccer skill. This program builds character and leadership through passion for soccer. This next generation of soccer coaches will invest in youth, their families and communities through high level learning strategies and systems that inspire, educate and empower youth to become leaders and positive role models in their communities.
For more information contact – Anel Pajazetovic (315) 601-4454 or krajisnikfootballclub@gmail.com

Utica Center for Development
Safe Youth 315: Safe Youth 315 program offers a year-round after-school and weekend program for inner city youth of Utica, throughout our three main properties. Safe Youth 315 offer a full-service Gymnasium for facilitating sports programs such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, and other indoor athletics. Youth also have the option to participate in organized dance which promotes overall physical movement as well as a youth boxing program. In addition to sports and dance, the program also offers a wide array of programs for youth that include drumming, health and wellness classes, acting, art, and creative writing. Under our roofs youth can engage in, sports, physical activity, education, skills training and much more while being supervised by well-trained adults that will ensure a healthy and safe place for all.
For more information contact – Simon Davis 315-880-3472 or sdavis@ucdevelopment.org

Wilson's Cops and Kids
Wilson’s Cops and Kids: Wilson's Cops & Kids is a nonprofit organization that offers a free boxing program to underprivileged & at-risk youth aged 8-18+ with a focus on providing a safe atmosphere for them to learn the fundamentals of boxing. Wilson's Cops & Kids is partnered with the Utica Center for Development and Utica Police Department with a focus of mentoring City youth. This program will offer youth participants the opportunity to interact with police officers and other positive role models in a positive setting while developing higher self-esteem, work ethic, self-control and discipline through the sport of boxing. Members can have the opportunity to compete in USA Boxing matches.
For more information contact – Christopher Evans (315) 404-6567 or wilsonscopsandkids@yahoo.com

Young Scholars Liberty Partnerships Program (YSLLP)
Partners in Prevention: The Partners in Prevention program offers enhanced collaborative services to students through the Young Scholars program. PIP funding to the Young Scholars program helps ensure the program can operate and offer social worker support to the students. Students in the program are identified by their sixth- grade teachers as having the potential to succeed in secondary school, but are facing disadvantages which include mental health concerns, truancy, and emotional or behavioral concerns. Without the additional supports provided by PIP programming, these students are at risk to not finish high school and will be unprepared to move forward in the community.
For more information contact – Mary Hayes Gorden (315) 792-3237 or mahayesg@utica.edu