July 19, 2024
Applications for Rome Business Emergency Fund Now Available

Beginning Friday, July 19, 2024, in response to the devastating tornado that has affected the City of Rome, the Rome Area Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the City of Rome and Oneida County, is accepting applications for its Rome Business Emergency Fund.
The Rome Business Emergency Fund will be used to provide financial aid to Rome businesses that have suffered hardships from the F2 confirmed tornado and storm.
“The amount of support we’ve seen from our membership and the community is incredible,” said Rome Chamber Board of Directors Chairman, Nick Angelicola. “The people of Rome have really come together during this incredibly difficult time. We’re looking to help in any way we can and are eager to support the local businesses that are the backbone of this community.” Mayor Jeffrey Lanigan stated, “Rome is a resilient community. We will build back, and we are going to make it happen. This fund will serve as an important resource to building back the business community that has been negatively affected by the disaster."
“As the City and County continue to move forward through this disaster together, we know we have to assist small businesses to get back on their feet,” said Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. “I have allocated $300,000 in County emergency funding to the City of Rome for the Rome Business Emergency Fund.”
Both the City of Rome and Oneida County are contributing up to $300,000 respectively to the fund. The Rome Business Emergency Fund is made possible through contributions from the Rome Area Chamber of Commerce, the City of Rome and Oneida County.
The application for the Rome Business Emergency Fund is open to all Rome businesses and can be found here: https://business.romechamber.com/form/view/33651