November 27, 2024
Herkimer-Oneida Counties Transportation Council to Present Exit 31 Improvement Options

County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. announced today that the Herkimer-Oneida Counties Transportation Council (HOCTC) will host a public open house to present improvement options for the Exit 31 Interchange of Interstate 90 and launch an online survey to receive feedback on Dec. 3.
“We encourage community members to attend this public meeting to learn about the Planning and Environment (PEL) Study, meet the study team and share feedback on opportunities for improving the I-90 Exit 31 Interchange and the surrounding roadway network, which includes I-790, NYS Routes 5, 8, 12 and 921C,” Picente said. “This project will have a major impact on the future of transportation in our region and the input we receive in person and online will be invaluable.”
The open house will present key findings from the existing conditions analysis and previous public input, as well as proposed strategies for improving multimodal connectivity and roadway linkages and promoting safety and economic development in and around the I-90 Exit 31 Interchange. Participants will be invited to circulate around the room at their own pace, meet with the study team and share feedback.
The event will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Dec. 3 at the North Utica Community Center located at 50 Riverside Drive.
Those requiring any assistive technologies, language translation, American Sign Language interpretation and/or adaptive strategies to attend and engage at the open house, should contact Liz Podowski King with Highland Planning at 585-649-1210 or at least three business days in advance of the meeting. Anyone unable to attend in-person can participate via a brief virtual meeting at 5 p.m. To register for that option, visit:
An online survey will also be launched on Dec. 3, which seeks public input on the proposed strategies for improving the I-90 Exit 31 Interchange and surrounding roadway network. The survey will remain open through January 10, 2025 and can be accessed on the study website:
Several other opportunities will also be made available for the public to participate in the planning process in 2025.
The I-90 Exit 31 PEL Study is being undertaken by HOCTC in partnership with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Region 2 and a Technical Advisory Group comprised of federal, state, regional and local transportation representatives. The study will be developed through a collaborative planning process to clearly identify issues and develop proposed transportation solutions that will lay the foundation for the future redesign of I-90 Exit 31 Interchange and surrounding roadway network.
Based on extensive data collection, analysis and public input, the study will result in the development of concepts focused on addressing identified safety issues, improving connectivity for all users and modes of transportation between North Utica and downtown and other destinations and promoting economic development. The draft PEL Study Report is anticipated to be completed by Spring 2025. Following public review and comment, the study recommendations and report will be finalized by Summer 2025. This PEL Study will also inform the environmental review for one or more future projects being progressed under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.
More information about the I-90 Exit 31 PEL Study can be accessed at: The website provides information about the study and upcoming public events, an interactive map allowing the public to identify safety issues and opportunities for improvement in and around the study area and an online comment form.
HOCTC is the Metropolitan Planning Organization for both Herkimer and Oneida Counties. HOCTC shares responsibility with the state to develop cooperative transportation plans and programs for the two-county area. HOCTC also provides a forum for the identification of transportation needs by area residents and organizations. The I-90 PEL Study is federally funded with FHWA Planning & FHWA Statewide Planning and Research funds through HOCTC.