December 20, 2024
Oneida County Opens Rome Office Doors to Shelter Residents from Extreme Cold

County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. announced today that Oneida County’s office facility in Rome will serve as an evening warming center to shelter residents from this weekend’s extreme cold.
“With frigid temperatures forecasted through this weekend, many Oneida County residents will be at risk,” Picente said. “We will be opening up our county office facility in Rome to accommodate as many people as possible and will be working with the City of Rome to keep everyone safe during this time.”
“After reaching out to the County this morning for assistance, I would like to personally thank County Executive Anthony Picente for providing these resources to help our most vulnerable residents during these dangerously cold conditions,” said Rome Mayor Jeffrey Lanigan. “We are incredibly fortunate to have partners that we can count on when the need arises.”
The Oneida County Office of Family and Community Services (DFCS) has set the warming center up as a seating area in the main lobby of the county’s office building located at 100 W. Dominick Street (former Berkshire Bank Building). It will operate from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. from Dec. 20 to Dec. 23, 2024. Hours will be extended if necessary.
Individuals utilizing the warming center will have access to restrooms, but no beds or bedding will be provided. The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office will be providing security for the warming center at the County Office Building.