March 21, 2025
Oneida County Releases Housing Market Report

County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. announced today that the Oneida County Housing Market Inventory Assessment and Strategy Report has been finalized and is now available online.
"The findings of this report confirm what we’ve long recognized—Oneida County is growing, and we must take strategic action to meet the housing needs of our residents now and in the future," Picente said. "This comprehensive assessment provides a roadmap for ensuring that we have the right mix of housing to support our workforce, our seniors, and our families. By working together with developers, municipalities, and community stakeholders, we can implement innovative solutions that will enhance affordability, stability, and opportunity across our county."
Some of the key highlights of the report include:
- 6,070 new housing units will need to be created to meet market demand by 2040, with a majority of those required by 2030.
- This includes 4,500 homeownership and 1,575 rental units.
- Senior housing should account for nearly half of new construction.
- Employment-driven housing demand will support creation of 2,240 new homes for younger homeowners by 2030 (this is included in the 6,070 needed units).
- Employment trends, including total job numbers, industry sectors and commuting trends.
- In-depth demographic information.
- Affordability and cost burden examination.
- 16% of all homeowners and 39% of all renters spend more than 30% of their income on housing.
- Among renters earning less than 30% of the Area Median Income, 78% are cost-burdened and 63% are extremely cost burdened (over 50% of income goes towards housing).
The report lays out five goals and 13 implementation strategies with 34 potential action steps to take. It outlines partners for each action and potential funding and resources as well as a proposed timeframe range.
Action steps include:
- PILOTs, infrastructure coordination and technical support for pro-housing municipalities.
- Innovative examples of financing such as density bonuses and reduced regulations and fees, as well as the elimination of parking requirements and infill investment programs.
- Assisting seniors through handyman and aging gracefully programs.
- Stabilizing current housing stock through vacant property and lot inventories, housing trust funds, landbanks and creation of NYS-backed programs such as the Vacant Rental Improvement Program and home improvement programs.
Picente commissioned the Housing Inventory Assessment in the Summer of 2023 as part of an initiative to address the needs and gaps in county housing options through a strategic plan. The Oneida County Department of Planning, in partnership with UP Development Planning LLC, conducted the assessment, which included an online survey that was conducted last fall.
The goal of this first-of-its-kind comprehensive housing plan was to innovatively bring together market influencers and workforce drivers to accurately assess current needs and provide a strategy for the future of housing within Oneida County using meta-analysis of existing data, housing plans, identified housing needs and projected housing needs across the region.
Picente, the County Planning Department and Urban Planners presented the assessment and strategy report at a public meeting on March 13. Feedback from the two public sessions that were held that day at the MVCC ThINCubator in Utica was incorporated into the final report.
The report can be viewed here.
A story map of the process can be viewed here.