January 11, 2022
Oneida County to Offer Free COVID-19 Testing at Harts Hill Inn

1,000 Home Test Kits Distributed to Libraries
County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. announced today that the county will be conducting a free drive-thru COVID-19 testing event at Hart’s Hill Inn on Jan. 12.
Picente also announced that the county has distributed 1,000 COVID-19 home test kits to the Mid-York Library System. The free test kits will soon be available for pick up at more than 20 participating libraries across Oneida County.
“Oneida County continues to offer as many free COVID-19 testing options as possible in order to ensure the health and safety of our residents,” Picente said. “We will be announcing more testing sites in different areas of the county and will push forward with our home test kit distribution to more and more communities in the coming weeks.”
Those participating in the Jan. 12 event at Hart’s Hill Inn, will be tested by a self-administered nasal swab. The site, which is located at 135 Clinton St. in Whitesboro, will operate from noon to 5 p.m. Appointments are not required. The diagnostic test samples are being collected and processed by Precision Clinical Laboratories in Clinton, and are expected to be available within 24 hours.
Oneida County will also be offering free COVID-19 testing on Jan. 12 via its drive-thru site at Griffiss International Airport in Rome. That event takes place every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. An online profile and appointment are required and can be obtained at oneidacountyny.gov or by clicking here.
Oneida County has distributed more than half of the 10,000 home test kits it received from New York State to local municipalities, first responders and organizations such as The Center and the Johnson Park Center in Utica.
Over the past weekend 3,000 kits were given away at county Public Works facilities in Barneveld, Oriskany and Taberg. The county will be announcing more public test kit distributions events in the near future.