November 30, 2021
Oneida County Youth Bureau Seeks Funding Applications for 2022 Programming

County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. has announced that the Oneida County Youth Bureau is accepting proposals from interested non-profit organizations and cities, towns and villages that would like the opportunity to provide youth-oriented programs that offer delinquency prevention, recreation and positive youth development opportunities during 2022.
“The youth of our community are our future,” Picente said. “Our Youth Bureau has the responsibility to allocate funding from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services in the ways that will best meet the needs we have identified locally. This annual opportunity allows agencies and municipalities to seek funding for new programs and permits existing programs to continue their fine work.”
Two categories of funding are available:
- Youth Development Program (YDP) funding for non-profit agencies and cities, towns and villages that operate a youth development program that provides direct services to youth. The state will reimburse for qualified expenditures, subject to available appropriations and exclusive of federal funding.
- Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA) funding or non-profit agencies that provide crisis and transitional living services. A 40% agency match is required.
Programs must meet guidelines established by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services to be funded. The guidelines and forms necessary to prepare and submit proposals can be accessed online at Questions and support should be directed to Karen Pensero-Shanley of the Youth Bureau at 315-798-5027.
Proposals should be sent by email to by close of business on December 29, 2021.
“The Youth Bureau looks forward to working with the outstanding agencies, cities, towns and villages that provide safe, positive and innovative programming to our youth,” said Youth Bureau Director Kevin Green.