October 20, 2021

Picente Announces New Online Tax Parcel Map Viewer

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County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. announced today the availability of a new online tax parcel map viewer that will provide easier access and research capabilities and promote economic development.

It is the first time the service has been offered by Oneida County online.

“This new tool is extremely helpful in fostering economic development,” Picente said. “It streamlines the process for obtaining data and allows for a virtual lay of the land that makes buying and selling property, and most importantly, developing property throughout the county, easier for those who rely on this tax parcel information every day.”

Developers, surveyors, foresters, engineers, realtors, abstractors, attorneys and all professionals dealing with real estate in every county across the nation, use tax parcels maps. Until now, for those in Oneida County, that would involve traveling to the County Office Building in Utica to physically look over parcel maps in an office.

The new tax parcel map viewer removes that barrier and creates a developer-friendly way of researching prospective sites at a streamlined one-stop online shop. This promotes commercial and residential development by allowing for research of sites from anywhere, making the initial stages of development easier and less expensive for prospective developers.

The online mapping tool also offers a variety of real-time features that make the information more robust and valuable than has been available in the past. Parcels can be laid over a variety of imagery to bring the parcel to life and provide understanding of what is on and around it. These layers can assist in making informed decisions such as locations of floodplains, wetlands and contours.

“When developing this type of comprehensive mapping application you want to put real data in the hands of those who need to use it day in and day out,” said Oneida County Commissioner of Planning James Genovese. “This will allow someone to ascertain quickly the owner, address, assessed value and acreage, as well as cross-referencing that information against school districts, floodplains, sanitary sewers, wetlands, soils and other data points that allow for more informed decisions to be made quicker, leading to more sales and development.”

The tax parcel map viewer can be viewed at oneidacountyny.gov/planning or https://hoccpp.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=18e988c601f54b62a60f36f39fce5a92.

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