February 6, 2020
Picente Announces Support Project for Cree Development
Oneida County Will Fund SUNY-Marcy Parkway Improvement
Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. announced today that the county will fund a construction project to improve the SUNY-Marcy Parkway in order to support Cree’s development at the Marcy Nanocenter Site.
“The billion dollar investment that Cree is making in Oneida County will afford our region untold opportunity and has the potential to transform our entire economy,” Picente said. “We must do all we can to support this immense investment. Providing improved access to the Marcy Nanocenter Site is essential to ensuring Cree’s success and setting the stage for its future growth.”
A feasibility study was commissioned by Oneida County, Mohawk Valley EDGE and the Town of Marcy to redesign of the intersection of Edic Road and the northerly-most ring road entrance to the Marcy Nanocenter Site, as well as the Edic and Mulaney Road intersection.
The reconstruction of the SUNY-Marcy Parkway is required, among other things, to remove the major grade change in the road which exists between the Edic and Hazard Road intersection and the Edic and Mulaney Road intersection, improve the sight distance along Edic Road and the intersection sight distance from Hazard Road.
Oneida County will bond up to $7 million to fund the project, which will include the formation of a T-intersection, the installation of reversed curves and retaining walls and water main relocation.