November 27, 2019
Picente Extends State of Emergency
Response to Halloween Flooding Damage Continues
County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. announced today that he is extending the State of Emergency that he first declared on Oct. 31 after severe rainfall led to flooding that devastated portions of the county.
“I am directing all departments and agencies of Oneida County to continue to take whatever steps are necessary to protect life and property, public infrastructure and provide assistance,” Picente said.
The initial State of Emergency was set to expire on Nov. 30. It will remain in effect until rescinded by a subsequent order.
The County Executive has the authority to invoke a State of Emergency under Section 24 of the New York State Executive Law and section 302 of the Oneida County Administrative Code, in order to preserve the public safety and render all required and available assistance vital to the security, well-being and health of the citizens of the county.
Oneida County continues to offer $500,000 in assistance to home and business owners who incurred damages due to last month’s flooding and $500,000 to municipalities as a 50/50 split for cleanup costs.
The Community Foundation of Herkimer & Oneida Counties is beginning the process of distributing funding to the home and business owners who have applied for financial assistance for repairs. Applications can still be made by calling The Community Foundation at 315-735-8212 or by dialing 2-1-1.
Oneida County continues to assist municipalities impacted by flooding in their cleanup efforts by hauling debris and trash. Municipalities can apply for financial assistance by contacting the Department of Public Works.
The county Departments of Health, Mental Health, Social Services and Office for Aging & Continuing Care also continue to provide support services including counseling, food and hotel vouchers and gift cards for supplies.