Explore Our Resources For Residents Departments
Board of Elections
The Oneida County Board of Elections is responsible for registering New York voters and conducting elections throughout Oneida County, including 192 Election Districts in 48 cities, Towns, and Villages.
Child Advocacy Center
In January 1990, a Child Sexual Abuse Task Force was established in Oneida County and, in 1998, the Task Force was renamed the Child Advocacy Center (CAC). The CAC handles investigations of child sexual abuse in which the victim is under 17 years of age.
Civil Defender
Civil Division shall represent without charge any indigent individual entitled to and who is financially unable to obtain counsel in certain proceedings before the Oneida County Family Court and the Oneida County Surrogate's Court.
Department of Family and Community Services
Our Division of Family and Child Services (DFCS) provides exceptional financial and social services to eligible residents of Oneida County in accordance with federal, state, and county laws.
The Oneida County Department of Motor Vehicles offers online and in-person services to help you accomplish necessary steps related to your driver’s license, registration, title transfers, driving records, and more.
Emergency Planners In Inclusive Communities (EPIC)
EPIC's mission is to promote inclusivity in emergency planning through education, training, and collaboration.
Emergency Services
The Department of Emergency Services provides for the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Oneida County.
The Oneida County Health Department works in accordance with the NYS Department of Health to provide programs and services to benefit the wellbeing and safety of those in our communities.
Our department is pleased to help those on their paths to naturalization and citizenship. As a courtesy, our office has USCIS application forms and can help guide you toward the most useful resources for USCIS cases status updates and more.
Personnel / Civil Service
Most jobs in local government fall under the Civil Service system. A "Civil Service" employee can be anyone from a secretary, a nurse, a mechanic, or a supervisor for a department.
Pistol Licensing
The pistol permit office is a county office established to administer the state pistol permit law in Oneida County as required by section 400 of the penal law.
The primary mandate of the Oneida County Probation Department is to ensure public safety and to monitor the behavior of its assigned Offenders.
Public Defender - Criminal
Public Defender services are free of charge to those accused of a crime and who are financially eligible.
Youth Bureau
The Oneida County Youth Bureau is made up of a staff of dedicated people whose mission is to serve the youth of Oneida County.

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- Review maps of the cities, towns, and villages, school zoning, religious organizations, and more.
- Access useful information on forms and certifications at the state and federal level.
- Discover important resources and opportunities for families, children, veterans, and abandoned animals.
Lakes for Recreation
Median Resident Age
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