The Environmental Health Division evaluates and monitors health hazards affecting county residents and visitors. We enforce Public Health Law and the New York State Sanitary Code. We also oversee the plan review for new facilities we regulate as a health department, and respond to complaints regarding public health.

Community Sanitation
Inspections of different community locations regarding maintenance, cleanliness, and safety.

Food Protection Program
Food safety and good sanitary practices continue to be the focal point for all food service inspections.

Clean Indoor Air Act
Pursuant to New York State Public Health Law Article 13-E, the Oneida County Health Department will enforce the Clean Indoor Air Act by means of a complaint-driven progressive enforcement process and a graduated fine scale as described herein.

Lead Poisoning Prevention
Lead Poisoning is the perfect predator. It is silent, it is all around us, it doesn’t discriminate. And all too often, we end up paying the ultimate price: Our children.

Public Water Supply and Sewage Program
The Environmental Health public water supply division is responsible for the oversight of approximately 155 public water supplies in Oneida County.

Vector Borne Disease Surveillance
Mosquito surveillance is conducted each year from June through September.

A virus that affects the brain and leads to death unless treated soon after exposure.